Zoning Inspector:
John Secrest
The Monroe Township Zoning Inspector is responsible for interpreting and enforcing property zoning regulations and requirements on behalf of the township. Our Zoning Inspector issues building certificates and permits and inspects properties for compliance or violations.
Monroe Township Zoning Boards
The Trustees appoint a township zoning commission that is composed of five members and two alternates who reside in the unincorporated area of the township. The Monroe Township Zoning Board meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm at the Monroe Township House in Five Points.
Monroe Township Zoning Board Members:
Terry Tobin, Chairperson
Derek Aukeman, Vice-Chairperson
Pam Recko, Secretary
Sue Dennis, Member
Mark Shipley, Member
Justin Barnes, Alternate
Additionally, the Trustees appoint a Board of Zoning Appeals consisting of five members and two alternates. This Board meets on an as-needed basis.
Monroe Township Board of Zoning Appeals
Carrol Liston, Chairperson
Lester Lewis, Vice-Chairperson
Rosemary Drummond, Secretary
Donna Ogle, Member
Danny Horney, Member
Matt Anderson, Alternate
The Monroe Township Zoning Handbook
Click on the PDF to access information and regulations unique to our Township. This is a helpful resource for landowners, homeowners, developers and businesses.
Zoning Maps & Links
Monroe Zoning Map & Key
Pickaway County GIS
The Monroe Township Trustees, Zoning Board and Board of Zoning Appeals is evaluating the need for an increase in the cost of a variance application. If implemented, this rate increase would go into effect on April 1, 2024. The Monroe Township Trustees invite citizens interested in more information regarding this potential increase to please attend a meeting or contact a Township Trustee.